1肉沫用料酒 酱油腌制 ,芹菜切半厘米段。 2起锅烧油 放干辣椒 肉馅 把水汽炒出来, 生抽 老抽 鸡精,盛出来 3再烧油 芹菜 蚝油 肉沫 香油 葱姜蒜 生抽 白糖 水淀粉 Marinate the ground meat with cooking wine and soy sauce, and chop the celery into half-centimeter sections. Heat up the pan and pour oil, add dried chili peppers and the ground meat. Fry until the moisture is released. Then add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and chicken powder. Dish out and set aside. Heat up the oil again, add celery, oyster sauce, ground meat, sesame oil, scallion,ginger, garlic, light soy sauce, sugar, and cornstarch slurry.