不负好春光,采摘槐花去,槐香扑鼻而来~ Live up to the good spring, pick locust flowers, and the fragrance of locust comes to your nostrils ~
采摘回来,开始捋槐花~嫩嫩的,不由得生吃了几个~ After picking, I began to brush the flowers of Sophora japonica ~ the tender ones. I couldn't help eating them raw
淘洗干净~ Wash clean ~
倒掉水,让槐花表皮潮湿~ Pour out the water and let the locust flower skin moist ~
白面粉、全荞麦粉、营养多谷物粉、玉米面粉适量加入一些~ Add some white flour, whole buckwheat flour, nutritious multi grain flour and corn flour
再来点十全香粉~ Some more shiquanxiang powder ~
水烧开后,入蒸笼~ After the water is boiled, put it into the steamer ~
蒸约十分钟左右,即可出锅~ 嗯~好香啊~槐花的清香味~ Steam for about ten minutes, then you can come out of the pot ~ Um ~ it smells so sweet ~ the fragrance of Sophora japonica flower ~
葱、姜、蒜沫,加入生抽~ Onion, ginger and garlic foam, add soy sauce ~
再来点香油、香醋、香菜、油泼辣子~ Some more sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, coriander, oil spilled spicy ~
拌匀~ Mix well ~
绿豆汤也熬好了~ Mung bean soup is also cooked ~
准备开吃~做的太好了~都流口水啦~ོ Ready to eat ~ well done ~ drooling ~ ོ
嗯~太好吃啦~来口蒸菜~再喝勺绿豆汤~健康营养又美味~ Mmm ~ it's delicious ~ have a mouthful of steamed vegetables ~ drink a spoonful of mung bean soup ~ healthy, nutritious and delicious ~
我也来口,嗯~味道美极啦~ᕕᕗ I'll have a bite, too. Um, it's delicious