First of all,we should buy all the staff which we wanna eat at supermarket.i'm a chongqing people,so I always eat pluck.首先,我们得在超市把东西都准备齐了,我是重庆人,所以黑喜欢吃内脏。牛百叶 鸭珍都是最爱!
Preparing all the seasons which u need.把所有需要的东西都准备齐,就跟盘子里的量比着放。
Use a cotton cloth to pick up all the condiments for readying.把所有的东西用纱布包好,辣椒也可以放进去,冰糖是用来炒糖色的。待用。
Put meat and plucks over the boiling water,until the blood appears under the water,then remove and wash for standing.把肉切成如图形状,所有内脏全部焯chao水,等到水表面全是漂浮物了,大概5分钟,捞起洗干净,待用。
Put the chillies,ginger pieces and shallot in the cold water,until the water boiling.先炒糖色。炒糖色就是把食用油放在锅里,大概1分钟,放入冰糖,再加两汤匙白糖,不断搅拌,等到糖冒白泡,关火,等冷却一下,加入凉水(量如图),放入姜片6瓣,干辣椒8颗,葱6,7根,放入料包,大火烧开后,煮5分钟。
After 8 mins,put the meat and chicken oil in the pot,at the some time,put into 5 soup spoons of old soy sauce.when the boiling again,turn the fire to small.大概八分钟后,放入五花肉,鸡油(老母鸡皮),放入5,6汤匙的老抽,生抽2汤匙,大火烧开后,调至小火,继续炖。
After the last step with 40 mins,put into the pluck,lotus。40分钟后,放入所有内脏。大火烧开,调至小火炖。(藕片在关火前20分钟左右放)
after 40 mins,turn off the fire,let all the stuff into the water.about 40 mins,pick them up to bowl.40分钟后,关火。让所有东西在汤里泡40分钟左右。捞起。
That's the finished products.>^.^enjoy it.把所有东西捞起,这就是成了!
Eat with rice is the best way!摆盘随意。(可以把卤水捞点,然后用芡粉勾,做汁。这个看个人喜好了)