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迷之无名 2020-04-02



Spareribs braised in brown sauce(红烧排骨)   今天吃什么? Time: 3 hours(时间:3小时) Ingredients(原料) ·      Spareribs(排骨) ·      Ginger, scallion(姜和葱) ·      Sugar(糖) ·      Cooking wine(料酒) ·      Salt, soybean sauce, thick soy sauce, oyster sauce(盐、生抽、老抽、蚝油) ·      Spices such as anise, myrcia, cassia, hawthorn (optional) (香料例如八角、香叶、桂皮、山楂(可选)) 1.     Boil the spareribs with cooking wine, scallion and ginger for about 5 minutes, in order to leave the bloods from the ribs(排骨冷水下锅焯5分钟,在水中加入料酒、葱段和姜) 2.     Add some oil to the pot, add the sugar and stir them equally to make the caramel(锅中放油烧热,加入糖翻炒) 3.     After it turns brown, add the boiled spareribs, stir until all the ribs covered with caramel(当颜色变深时加入焯好的排骨,翻炒至所有排骨沾上糖色) 4.     Add some soybean sauce to the pot, then add some hot water which submerge the ribs(加入少许生抽,然后倒入没过排骨的热水) 5.     Add some thick soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine and the spices(加入老抽、蚝油、料酒和香料) 6.     Stew the spareribs for 2.5 to 3 hours, add some water frequently to prevent dry out(炖2.5-3小时,期间时不时加水防止烧干) 7.     After the spareribs get tender, add some salt to adjust the flavor of the ribs(当肉炖烂后,加入少许盐调味) 8.     Done(完成)