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迷之无名 2020-04-02



Braise oyster mushroom with minced meat(红烧肉末平菇)   让你无法自拔的美味 Time: 15min(时间:15分钟) Ingredients(原料) ·      Oyster mushroom(平菇) ·      Minced meat(肉末) ·      Garlic and dried red pepper(蒜和干红辣椒) ·      Oyster sauce(蚝油) ·      Sugar and salt(糖和盐) ·      Soybean sauce(酱油) ·      Oil(油)   1.     Tear the oyster mushroom into slices, cut garlic into small pieces(平菇撕成条,蒜切末) 2.     Boil the oyster mushroom for 2 minutes(平菇用水焯2分钟) 3.     Add some oil to the pot and heat up, add the garlic pieces and dried red peppers and stir(锅中放油烧热,加入蒜和干红辣椒炒香) 4.     Add the boiled mushrooms and minced meat(加入焯好的平菇和肉末) 5.     Add some oyster sauce, soybean sauce, a little salt and sugar and stir them up(加入蚝油、酱油、少许盐和糖,炒匀) 6.     Done(完成)