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迷之无名 2020-03-29



跟我做,上班带饭不发愁 Stir-fried shredded potato and green pepper(青椒土豆丝)   Times: 20 minutes(时间:20分钟) Ingredients(原料) ·      Potato(土豆) ·      Green pepper(青椒) ·      Vinegar and salt(醋和盐) ·      Oil(油) ·      Garlic(蒜) ·      Dried red pepper(干红辣椒)   1.     Shred potato and green pepper into slices, cut the garlic into pieces(土豆擦丝,青椒切丝,蒜切小块) 2.     Soak the potato slices in water for 10-15 minutes(土豆丝在水中浸泡10-15分钟) 3.     Drip dry the potato after soaking(土豆丝沥干) 4.     Add some oil to the pot and heat it up, add the garlics and stir(锅中放油烧热加入蒜) 5.     Add the potato and green pepper slices, stir until the potatoes turn transparent(加入土豆丝和青椒丝,炒至土豆丝变透明) 6.     Add a spoon of salt and some vinegar(加入一勺盐和少许醋) 7.     Add some dried red pepper pieces(加入少许干红辣椒碎) 8.     Done(完成)