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迷之无名 2020-03-29



跟我做,上班带饭不发愁 Tofu and oyster mushroom stewed with tomato (番茄豆腐平菇)   Time: 30 minutes(时间:30分钟) Ingredients(原料) ·      Tomato(西红柿) ·      Tofu(豆腐) ·      Oyster mushroom(平菇) ·      Salt and soybean sauce(盐和酱油) ·      Oil(油) ·      Garlic(蒜)   1.     Cut the tomato and garlic into small pieces, cut the tofu into cubes, cut oyster mushrooms into smaller pieces(将番茄和蒜切小块,豆腐和蘑菇切块) 2.     Add some oil and heat the pot, add the garlics and stir(锅中放油烧热加入蒜) 3.     Add the tomato pieces, stir until it becomes soft and mashed(加入番茄块炒软) 4.     Add some water, soybean and a spoon of salt(加水、酱油和一勺盐) 5.     Then add the mushroom and tofu(加入豆腐和平菇) 6.     Boil for about 10-15 minutes(煮10-15分钟) 7.     Done (完成)