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迷之无名 2020-02-18



Sliced sole fish in hot chili oil(水煮龙利鱼)   Time: 40 minutes(时间:40分钟) Ingredients(原料) ·      Sole fish(龙利鱼) ·      Pixian broad-bean sauce(郫县豆瓣酱) ·      Dried red pepper and Szechuan pepper(干红辣椒、花椒) ·      Cabbage and oyster mushroom(白菜和平菇) ·      Oil and water(油和水) ·      Salt(盐) ·      Garlic, ginger and scallion(蒜姜葱) ·      Cooking wine and starch(料酒和淀粉)   1.     Cut the cabbage, oyster mushroom and sole fish into slices(平菇白菜龙利鱼切片) 2.     Soak the sliced sole fish into Cook wine and starch for 15 minutes(龙利鱼在料酒和淀粉中腌15分钟) 3.     Cut garlic, ginger and scallion into pieces(葱姜蒜切末) 4.     Add some oil to the pot, add the garlic, ginger and scallion when heated(锅里放油烧热,加入葱姜蒜) 5.     Add the Pixian broad-bean sauce and stir until it mixes with garlics(加入郫县豆瓣酱) 6.     Add about 800ml of water and ¼ spoon of salt to the pot(加入800毫升水和1/4勺盐) 7.     Add the cabbage, oyster mushroom and sliced sole fish, boil for 5 minutes(加入白菜平菇和龙利鱼,煮5分钟) 8.     Cut more garlic into pieces, when the boiled fish is done, place the garlic on the fish(再切一些蒜,水煮鱼做好后放在鱼上面) 9.     Take another pot and heat some oil, add the dried red pepper and Szechuan pepper(另一个锅放油烧热,加入干红辣椒和花椒) 10.  Pour the hot chili oil to the garlics on boiled sliced fish(把辣椒油洒在蒜和鱼上) 11.  Done(完成)