迷之无名 2020-02-18

Mapo Tofu(麻婆豆腐)

Mapo Tofu(麻婆豆腐)   Time: 15-20 minutes(时间:15-20分钟) Ingredients(原料) ·      Tofu(豆腐) ·      Minced meat(肉馅) ·      Garlic and shallot(蒜和葱) ·      Pixian broad-bean sauce(郫县豆瓣酱) ·      Water(水)   1.     Cut the tofu into small pieces,then boil it for 3 minutes(豆腐切小块,煮三分钟) 2.     Add some oil to the pot, add the garlic and shallot when heated(锅中放油烧热,加入蒜和葱) 3.     Add the minced meat and stirred it until the color changes(加入肉馅,翻炒至变色) 4.     Add a spoon of Pixian broad-bean sauce(加入一勺郫县豆瓣酱) 5.     Add the boiled tofu and some water(加入煮熟的豆腐) 6.     Boil under the water is evaporated(大火收汁) 7.     Done (完成)