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迷之无名 2019-12-24


Yu-Shiang Eggplant 鱼香茄子

浪漫圣诞节 Time: about 30 minutes(时间:30分钟) Ingredients(原料) ·      Eggplant(茄子) ·      Minced meat(肉馅) ·      Green pepper and dried red pepper(青椒,干红辣椒) ·      Garlic and chives(蒜和葱) ·      Soybean sauce and thick soy sauce(生抽和老抽) ·      Vinegar(醋) ·      Sugar(糖) ·      Cooking wine(料酒)   1.     Cut the eggplant into slices, steam the eggplant for 5-8 minutes(茄子切条,上锅蒸5-8分钟) 2.     Cut the green pepper, garlic and chives into small pieces(青椒,蒜,葱切小块) 3.     Mix a spoon of vinegar, a spoon of thick soy sauce, 2 spoons of soybean sauce, 2 spoons of cooking wine, half spoon of sugar and 6 spoons of water in a bowl as Yu-Shiang sauce(一勺醋,一勺老抽,两勺生抽,两勺料酒,半勺糖,六勺水在碗中混匀,制成鱼香汁) 4.     Add some oil to the pot, add the garlic and chives when heated(锅里放油烧热,加入蒜末葱末炒香) 5.     Add the minced meat and green peppers(加入肉馅和青椒) 6.     Add the steamed eggplants(加入蒸好的茄子) 7.     Add the Yu-Shiang sauce prepared in step 3, mix it with the eggplants and meat(加入第三步的鱼香汁,炒匀) 8.     Boil for 5 minutes to reduce the juice, add the dried red pepper(大火烧5分钟收汁,加入干红辣椒) 9.     Done(完成)